This project explores the formal aesthetic of images and the concept of the original.
Contact prints are made of plants using light-sensitive paper exposed to sunlight for several minutes. In order to preserve the colours produced by this exposure, the paper cannot be developed or fixed. Instead, the images are digitized in order to freeze a “moment” of the original which otherwise would disappear forever.
As a way to document this tension between the original and its digital preservation, two exhibition strategies are employed. In the first, the colours of nine unfixed 8 x 10 originals in a grid change throughout the exhibition. The other method consists in choosing a detail in the original which will show a resonant element of the image and be printed in very large format. The aesthetic qualities of this new image are meant to generate a contemplative experience and to lead the viewer to think about the medium employed. Through the choice of detail and the format used, I create an image which could not have existed without the mixture of the analogue and the digital, and which in this sense can be seen as an original.