Benjamin Perron

Les formes animées de la couleur

Maison des artistes visuels francophones, Winnipeg, 2-25 novembre 2023

Starting from a quote by Gaston Bachelard, Les formes animées de la couleur, aims to take advantage of the latent qualities of photographic paper. While the colors and shades of grey and black are usually revealed through the development process in a darkroom, I instead use these papers in the “light room” of the garden or studio, denaturing their original function by allowing natural light to transform the color of the paper. The presented works, which won’t have been developed or fixed in the darkroom, will then change color throughout the duration of the exhibition. This moment given for space and time will allow us to situate ourselves in the present moment, as the works are in constant transformation. By the unfolding of artworks in grid patterns, by the colors that will appear, or by the aesthetic qualities of the works themselves, Les formes animées de la couleur will participate in blurring the boundaries between photography and painting.